Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Image result for spread kindness quotes

       Thank you so much for spoiling me last week. I could certainly feel the love and support through the kind cards, chocolate, coffee, balloons, and gift cards. You are all the best!!!

Our Chrome Unconference was a huge hit!! I am so proud of my class with their eagerness to learn as well as our facilitators teaching us all along the way. I know I learned a ton from them! 

Here is what is happening this week....

Science: This week we are learning about how matter changes,  physical and chemical.

Reading and Writing: We are beginning our unit on research-based argument essay, on a topic that they each have chosen. We will learn the importance of researching both sides of the topic and taking notes to develop a paper.  We are focusing on looking at texts for relevant information as they read.

Math:  We are dividing unit fractions by whole numbers, and problem solving by drawing a diagram. We review for our chapter 10 test Friday and Monday and the test will be next Tuesday. 

Social Studies: The Industrial Revolution comes alive as we recreate an assembly line in a factory. 

Please remember to return the Sperreng Middle School form.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Image result for jump rope heart

Here's what is happening this week in room 34!!

We are so excited to announce that our  1 to 1 device Chromebooks have arrived!!! Today, we spent some time outlining and going over our constitution for our new pieces of technology . We are super excited for the awesome learning adventures to come! 

Science- Chrome Camp! We officially have our Chromebooks and already they are a HUGE HIT! During science time for the next two weeks we will be learning all there is to know about Chromebooks, and how to utilize all of the webpages we use in class but to even greater capabilities.  

Reading- Today we began our new unit- Argument and Advocacy. Today we evaluated claims, reasons, and evidence that are presented in advertisements we frequently see- food items from the grocery stores, "As seen on tv" products, etc. 

Writing- Today began our fantasy writing unit. This is a quick 2 week unit in which students will draft, revise, edit, and publish a short fantasy story. Today we brainstormed story arcs for all fantasy stories and brainstormed some ideas for the stories we will start drafting tomorrow.

Math- Today we reviewed Ch. 8 Fractions and Decimals and Ch.9 Adding and Subtracting Fractions. Do not forget that tomorrow is our big test! See email for resources to study at home tonight. On Wednesday, we will start chapter 10 on multiplying and dividing fractions! 

Social Studies- We are beginning to study the Industrial Revolution.

Reminders: Wednesday, 2/7 is Early Release
                          Friday, 2/9 is Jump Rope for Heart